by Kheyrne Danu | May 13, 2019 | Body Literacy, Emotional Repatterning, Mooncycle Medicine, Mother Nourishment, Womb Wisdom, Yoni Wellness
The cervix is the mouth of the womb, the gateway to our precious feminine chamber; the only organ in a human body that can nourish the spark of life and grow it into an entire new being. The cervix sits neatly inside your beautiful vulva; the bridge between your...
by Kheyrne Danu | Jan 14, 2017 | Body Literacy
Recently a beautiful colleague of mine, Jacqueline Ivory, wrote this post: “Please, ‘sir’, don’t get me wrong, just because I dance near you in ecstatic dance and connect with your energy, it does not mean I want you, just because I dance wild and...
by Kheyrne Danu | Jul 31, 2016 | Body Literacy, Mooncycle Medicine, Mother Nourishment
For most women menstruation is a time of heightened sensitivity, for women with endometriosis it can be disabling. With approximately 176 million women and girls suffering from endometriosis worldwide, it can now be seen as a global epidemic. What is Endometriosis?...
by Kheyrne Danu | Mar 17, 2016 | Body Literacy, Mooncycle Medicine, Mother Nourishment
What if there are days when you wake up raging, when your rational mind wants to take a hike and your brain feels full of molten lava? What if you feel like the most unfeminine, ungraceful mess, dangerous to human contact in that moment? What if we as a women want to...
by Kheyrne Danu | Feb 14, 2016 | Body Literacy, Emotional Repatterning, Mooncycle Medicine, Womb Wisdom
Most of us grew up in a society that values hard work and frowns upon play. Sex is so often just a moment of relief before getting on with the ‘should’s’ of life. But what if there was more to it?? What if deep profound earth moving orgasm was the...
by Kheyrne Danu | Feb 13, 2016 | Body Literacy, Mooncycle Medicine, Womb Wisdom
The Taoist story of the jade egg practice came my way many years ago, but nothing about it called me. It complicated and heady. I just didn’t have a sense that this practice was really for me. That was until I had a very interesting...