by Kheyrne Danu | Sep 5, 2021 | Mooncycle Medicine, Yoni Wellness
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a common virus that lives on your skin. Most strains are harmless such as warts, but researchers have discovered a link between certain strands of HPV and cervical cancer. Although HPV is not present in 20% of cervical cancer cases,...
by Kheyrne Danu | Feb 7, 2020 | Mother Nourishment, Womb Wisdom, Yoni Wellness
The yoni is capable of experiencing the greatest pleasure and at the same time it can be the centre of discomfort or even overwhelming pain. There are far too many women dealing with chronic pelvic pain, a lot of which translates to sexual pain. Nearly 3 out of 4...
by Kheyrne Danu | Oct 31, 2019 | Mooncycle Medicine, Mother Nourishment, Yoni Wellness
Postpartum is the most intense journey any woman could possibly go through. Unfortunately this is not often acknowledged in the western world. The moment that little pregnancy test shows positive we all focus on the pregnancy and the birth and then… crickets....
by Kheyrne Danu | May 13, 2019 | Body Literacy, Emotional Repatterning, Mooncycle Medicine, Mother Nourishment, Womb Wisdom, Yoni Wellness
The cervix is the mouth of the womb, the gateway to our precious feminine chamber; the only organ in a human body that can nourish the spark of life and grow it into an entire new being. The cervix sits neatly inside your beautiful vulva; the bridge between your...
by Kheyrne Danu | Feb 2, 2017 | Emotional Repatterning, Mooncycle Medicine, Womb Wisdom, Yoni Wellness
Colon Clarity The colon is the foundation of our health. It holds the frontline for our immune system, balances brain chemistry, absorbs nutrients and kicks out toxins. The gut has it’s own nervous system known as the enteric nervous system, or the second brain. Nerve...