Welcome to the WomanThrive Courses
Currently there are two deep dive courses to choose from:
The Hormone Wisdom Course
Learn the language of your feminine body and with it the tools to take care of your hormone health.
When we begin to learn what our hormones are telling us we realise our body isn’t out to make our lives difficult… it is trying to tell us what’s happening in our inner world and how we are affected by what we take in.
Hormones are supposed to turn us on in ever sense of the word. They are the connectors that ignite our ability to thrive, and they are our physical and emotional barometers. By learning to understand our hormones we learn what our body is trying to tell us.
This is a self-led course comprised of over 40 videos and thorough notes covering the essential information and tools needed to start your hormone healing journey.
The MotherSense Mother-Baby Course 1
This course has been created to gift you with the empowering and holistic support that all Mama’s deserve.
For most of us the pregnancy journey is about that moment when we finally get to meet our little gem. Our focus is absorbed in preparing for the big day, dreaming of holding our child for the first time. We have visions of enjoying every blissful day from the moment they arrive. But how often do we contemplate what those first days will actually entail? How much thought have we put into what is needed for healthy bonding, recovery and breastfeeding?
What did it take to bring your baby earthside and what will you need to recover from that journey? What are you going to need to be able to thrive while taking care of the continuous needs of a tiny vulnerable newborn? These postpartum topics are often furthest from our minds as the big day edges closer. So many of us find ourselves in an abrupt stupor the moment we are left alone with our baby for the first time.
This course is focused on the first 6 weeks postpartum. We will cover all the important topics for your transition into motherhood including hormonal shifts, healing after birth, nutrition, your new Mama brain, what practitioners you may need and when, asking for help and setting healthy boundaries with loved ones, bonding with your baby, breastfeeding, cosleeping, and so so much more.
The Womb Way Yoni Egg Course
Womb Way is a gentle feminine yoni egg based process that provides deep nourishment for your body and your psyche. This non-invasive internal journey is designed to help you ignite your womb vitality, encourage healing and balance in your yoni and pelvic floor and access your delicious dynamic feminine energy.
In this course we learn about our feminine organs and how to care and nourish them and we debunk body based myths. We use specific movements, breathing techniques and meditations to create a deep healthy connection with our bodies. Which in turn helps to build a sense of empowered autonomy around our reproductive health.
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