Hormone Courses

Hormones are our vitality keys! They turn us on in ever sense of the word. They are the connectors that ignite our ability to thrive.

Our amazing monocycle holds a profound gift, which has been hidden from us for centuries. When we learn the language of our hormones we realize our body isn’t out to make our lives difficult… it is trying to tell us what’s happening in our inner world and how we are processing the world around us.

Hormone imbalances are our body’s way of telling us something is not working for us.

If you would like to learn how to read the language of your hormones and support your feminine vitality you are in the right place.

For those of us with hormone issues life can be confusing. It’s hard to understand why our bodies and minds are expressing uncomfortable glitches even if we are eating healthy food and exercising regularly. The reality is hormone health goes far beyond diet and exercise.

Hormones are the bridge between our inner physical state and our inner emotional world. Every person who has experienced puberty, PMS, birth, postpartum or menopause will know this. 

There are many culprits that trigger hormone havoc including environmental toxins and hormones added to our food for starters. There are also common lifestyle factors that are often considered normal yet sadly compromise our hormones. Plus most of us grew up with beliefs about our bodies, about relationships, about health and about meeting the worlds demands that are actually compromising to our hormonal wellbeing.

Hormones mirror our relationships, to our body, our sexual energy, our partners, our family, our work and our environment. 


“When women understand their bodies they hold their power.”

When your hormones have been unhappy for too long they can begin to dampen your intuition, drop your energy levels and activate states of anxiety, depression, obsession and even rage. All of which are simply internal messages that something needs to be released or changed.

By working with our physical needs and emotional needs, and with our nervous system, we can renew our hormonal state back it equilibrium.

There is a whole hormone language that all women can learn on the WomanThrive hormone courses. These courses will empower you with the tools needed to read your own body, work with your hormones and discern if professional advice is actually helpful or not. Once you have the basics under your belt you can start navigating your physical, mental and emotional world with far more ease and discover your next level of feminine power.

Hormone Wisdom Course

The Hormone Wisdom Course is the complete hormone health foundation. A self-led course comprised of over 40 videos and thorough notes covering the essentials needed to start your hormone healing journey.

We cover everything from understanding your mooncycle; how your ovaries, adrenals and thyroid work together and what the hormone culprits are.

We look at how the gut, liver and nervous system in affect our hormones, and dive into the effect of our relationship to our body and how we move through our daily lives. And of course what to take our hormones from survival mode to thriving.

This is the course we should all have done at school.

Hormone Wisdom Course

Restore Your Mooncycle Course

Our period is our 5th vital sign. This makes it a pretty vital part of our health and wellbeing.

Every ovulation builds energy in the bank of health and vitality for now and for the rest of our lives.

There was a time when the mooncycle was thought to only be needed for making babies but now we know that these incredible steroid hormones produced each ovulation are needed for every part of our body and brain to thrive.

This course is for women who want to heal from PMS, PMDD, amenorrhea, period pain and heavy periods. As well as to shift from experiencing their cycle as a bane and a hinderance to an uplifting, essential element of their lives.

Restore Your Mooncycle Course

Rewiring PCOS Course

PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is not a lifetime sentence. It is simply a message from the body expressing that the way things are right now is not working for you.

PCOS is an expression of testosterone dominance; which is interesting considering the fact that the unhealthy masculine is the dominant expression in Western society. Once we begin to understand all the elements promoting testosterone dominance within you as an individual, and begin to bring the hormones back into balance, there is no reason why you can’t reverse PCOS entirely.

In this course you will learn what PCOS actually is, how to work out which is expression is happening in your body and how to go about nourishing your feminine hormones back into balance.

Rewiring PCOS Course


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