MotherSense Mother-Baby Support 1

Categories: Postpartum Mother
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About Course

Welcome Mama

This course is intended to be a gift of empowering and holistic support that all Mama’s deserve.

For most of us the pregnancy journey is about that moment when we finally get to meet our little gem. Our focus is absorbed in preparing for the big day, dreaming of holding our child for the first time. We have visions of enjoying every blissful day from the moment they arrive. But how often do we contemplate what those first days will actually entail? How much thought have we put into what is needed for healthy bonding, recovery and breastfeeding?

What did it take to bring your baby earthside and what will you need to recover from that journey? What are you going to need to be able to thrive while taking care of the continuous needs of a tiny vulnerable newborn? These postpartum topics are often furthest from our minds as the big day edges closer.

This course is focused on the first 6 weeks postpartum. We will cover all the important topics for your transition into motherhood including hormonal shifts, healing after birth, nutrition, your new Mama brain, what practitioners you may need and when, asking for help, and setting healthy boundaries, bonding with your baby, breastfeeding, cosleeping, and so so much more.

Blessings on your beautiful motherhood journey!

xx Kheyrne



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What Will You Learn?

  • The needs of a mother and baby in the first 6 weeks
  • How to navigate postpartum hormonal changes
  • How to understand your postpartum mind and emotions
  • Trusting yourself as a mother
  • Healing your body after birth
  • Reading your baby
  • How to discern what is best for your baby
  • Breastfeeding basics
  • How to support your babies innate needs
  • Postpartum nutrition
  • How to co-sleep safely
  • How to set healthy boundaries
  • What professional support you may need and when
  • Breastfeeding support
  • How to understand and support babies biological sleep needs
  • How to reparent yourself and hold your inner child
  • Navigating the new family dynamic
  • Babywearing
  • How to get enough rest
  • Supporting postpartum anxiety and overwhelm
  • Somatic nervous system support tools
  • Infant sleep journey
  • Infant physical development

Course Content

Welcome to MotherSense. May this course help you to find ease, empowerment and put your mind at ease every step of your new motherhood journey.

  • Welcome
  • Post Birth Practical Preparation


The BabyMoon Period
The first 40 days are honoured within every indigenous culture. Even when my grandmother gave birth in 1946 in the UK the period known as "Lying in" was still honoured. Today the fast paced Western world has forgotten that women not only need to recover from birth, but they need this time to build their health foundation for the rest of their lives as well as bond, take care of and learn their babies needs. Reintroducing the importance of taking care of a mother during this time will quite honestly change the face of our society in the best way possible as well as ensure mothers needs are met. This way we anchor a mothers strengths and set her up for the life she deserves to live.

The First Hour – Mother Baby Bonding
The first hour after birth is known as the golden hour for good reason. This is the time the greatest amount of neurological and hormonal bonding and wiring happens between mother and baby. And for this to happen baby needs to be on mothers chest. Babies can be supported in their first breath and their APGAR test on your chest, there is rarely a reason to take baby away from mother, even after c-section. But if baby genuinely needs extra help and is taken away this golden hour can be made up when baby is brought back to you.

First Day
The first day with your baby will hopefully be one of quiet and spaciousness, so that you can stare into your newborns eyes and be mesmerised by the awe of meeting this new human. Yes there are some practical things that need taking care of for your body and your baby, but all being well the main focus is really about the bonding and the breastfeeding.

The First Week
The first week is bonding time for Mama, Baba and Papa. This is the time for Mama to learn her babies form of communication and fine tune breastfeeding, sleeping arrangements, and how to meet babies and Mama's needs.


Babies Digestion

Infant Sleep
Do newborns have a sleep rhythm? No in the early days we need to just surrender to going with the flow until around 2 months. This is when some kind of rhythm comes in around sleep.

Your Mother Baby Nervous System

Postpartum Nutrition

Postpartum Anxiety

Your New Mama Body

Meeting Mothers Needs

Navigating Your Relationship

Nappy Changing

Unwell Baby

Stages of Infant Development

Baby Wearing

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