WomanThrive Blog
The Cervix Speaks
The cervix is the mouth of the womb, the gateway to our precious feminine chamber; the only organ in a human body that can nourish the spark of life and grow it into an entire new being. The cervix sits neatly inside your beautiful vulva; the bridge between your...
Can I Trust in Mothers Instinct?
Is Mothers Instinct a real thing? Those of us who have experienced it will say “Yes, without a doubt”. It’s born at birth and is cultivated through intimate mother-baby time. It's every woman's birthrite, but it can be derailed if the right support isn't in place. Is...
Why Women Need to Ovulate
Is it important to become intimately familiar with our cycles even if we don't have any reproductive problems? Being aware of our cycles, especially ovulation, not only helps us to form a positive relationship with our bodies, but it also may protect us from diseases...
What You Need to Know about Hormones and Breast Cancer
Progesterone is an essential hormone with an important job. It helps to regulate the entire endocrine system and supports the nervous system. It has hundreds of roles such as maintaining the reproductive cycle, making cortisol, regulating thyroid hormones, supporting...
How Candida Causes Hormone Chaos
Colon Clarity The colon is the foundation of our health. It holds the frontline for our immune system, balances brain chemistry, absorbs nutrients and kicks out toxins. The gut has it’s own nervous system known as the enteric nervous system, or the second brain. Nerve...
What Does it Mean to be Sexy?
Recently a beautiful colleague of mine, Jacqueline Ivory, wrote this post: “Please, 'sir', don't get me wrong, just because I dance near you in ecstatic dance and connect with your energy, it does not mean I want you, just because I dance wild and free and sensual, it...
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